Home >> News >> 2011 >> Jul >> Probe launched at Royal Free Hospital - whistleblower highlights concerns of blood sample mis-management
Probe launched at Royal Free Hospital - whistleblower highlights concerns of blood sample mis-management
AN investigation has been launched at the Royal Free after a whistleblower contacted the New Journal with serious concerns about the Hampstead hospital’s blood room.
A diary-style log – sent to the New Journal, MP Glenda Jackson and the Care Quality Commission – alleges blood test samples are routinely sent to the wrong departments with potentially catastrophic consequences.
Untrained managers are being employed to take blood leading to “hundreds of mistakes every day”, the insider claimed. The hospital in Pond Street has defended its service stating that “initial investigations had failed to substantiate these allegations”.
The Royal Free phlebotomy department is Camden’s central blood collection service and around 500 patients have a blood test at the hospital every day.
The whistleblower log claims that on June 7, gut hormone samples were left in blood transfusion sample tubes, adding: “The samples were sent to the lab but staff stopped this and corrected the horrible mistake. The patient was extremely upset because of the situation.” The mistake was corrected but could have been life-threatening, it is claimed.
Meanwhile, patients are being made to stand outside the entrance to the department because chairs have been removed from the waiting room. Patients are being kept in the phlebotomy chairs for up to 30 minutes while they recover, leading to long queues.
A hospital spokesman said this was because of a major refurbishment to the hospital that would be completed in September.
Another log handed to the MP, the hospital and the Care Quality Commission, claims that the LG Blood Room – one of two blood-taking rooms in the hospital – was closed for an hour at lunchtime in June after staff were treated to a “bonus” of a fast-food lunch.
The log under investigation says: “We went to the blood room one by one and have seen Kentucky Fried Chicken and chips on clinical trolleys. Why are they trying to motivate us with chicken and chips? KFC chicken wings cost not more than £2. It was an insult to us and pressure to service users.”
Under laws, passed when Labour MP Frank Dobson was health secretary, NHS staff cannot be fired for raising complaints or contacting newspapers about care quality problems.
A Royal Free spokesman said: “We have received this letter and are dealing with it under our whistle-blowing policy. We are confident we are running a safe service which meets national standards and have verified the competency of our staff with appropriate external experts.”
He said the hospital was investing £700,000 in rebuilding the ground floor of the hospital and when this was finished waiting times in the blood room would ease. The service is open from 7.30am on weekdays and from 9-12pm on Saturday mornings.
Published: 14 July 2011
wrong times
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2011-08-03 13:02.Just to inform you the Royal Free blood clinic is not open on sat mornings
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