Forum in Kentish Town wants extra opening hours

February 11, 2010


KENTISH Town music venue the Forum has lodged a bid with ­licensing chiefs to hold parties that would finish at dawn – to the dismay of local residents, ward councillors and the police.

Under the terms of the application, which is for live music nights only, the Highgate Road  premises would be allowed to open until 6am six days a year and have a capacity of 2,350. On club nights they are allowed 1,850 people in the historic building.

Although it usually has a closing hour of 2am, the club already has permission to host music events until 4am six nights a year.

Objectors say this is already “disruptive enough” and have called on licensing chiefs to turn down the bid.

Police described the 90 crimes that had taken place at the nightclub since last January as “excessive in terms of a single venue” and complained that the management had done nothing 


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