Just say no

Published: 3 June, 2010

• I AM embarrassed and irritated by your story (NHS chiefs and their £35k logo, May 27).

Embarrassed because a fellow graphic designer (unnamed I notice) has lent him/herself to such a piece of work; and irritated that I am called on to contribute to this unnecessary exercise. 

Designers will not properly have grown up until and unless they can say no to such nonsense.



£35K? I'd do it for just 1% of that!

I read you article regarding the £35K re-branding of the NHS Mental Health Services with horror. The quality of the designs shown are so poor that an untrained armature designer could have done a better job.

I am a soon-to-be Graphic Design Graduate who has lived in Camden my whole life. I would be more than happy to design a logo for the Mental Health Services for just 1% of what these charlatans are charging. This would equate to £350, a fair price little work.

Jessica Baldwin WC1V 6JS

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