Honestly, it’s not rubbish!

Published: 8 July, 2010

• I WANT to allay any fears residents may have that they are unnecessarily sorting their recycling (Recycling system? It’s all one load of rubbish, Letters July 1).

Our collection crews use three wheelie bins while collecting the recycling and generally they use two for mixed recycling and the third for paper and card.

If the paper and card has other recyclables in it such as cans and glass it will all be put with the mixed recycling.

The mixed products are still recycled but it just means the paper and card included with this needs further sorting with the other recyclables at the recycling sorting facility.

If the paper and card is kept separate it can be sent directly to the paper and card mills, saving on carbon.

The recycling collection vehicles have two compartments for the materials.

Although it may appear products are being mixed this is not the case. 

The new recycling service is being rolled out across the borough over a seven-week period and the first collections started on June 28.

We are asking people to separate more of their waste so that we can increase recycling, provide better quality materials for the companies that process the recyclable products and reduce the rubbish which goes for disposal as this is expensive and damaging to the environment.  

For further information see www.camden.gov.uk/newface

Cabinet Member for Environment


Recycling overkill.

While I am quite happy to recycle, to have to find space for four different containers and separate everything four ways is overkill. Plus the bags will get soaking wet and dirty and so I'm not going to keep them in my small flat, but if I leave them out they will blow away or look untidy. So I think I will continue to use the green boxes and be done with it.

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