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Tedious Labour support

The CNJ continues to paint Lib Dem as some sort of unpleasant conspiracy out to undermind Labour's hold on to power in Camden. While Cllr. Russell's comments may have breached some sense of decency, this is hardly grounds on which to defend Labour and the Conservatives.

Frankly, demons aside, the comparison should be one that is free for politicians to make when they see vindicative, syndicalist policy being made by the two major parties.

Had he not been suppressed by a crude, bludgeoning majority, Cllr. Russell's point might well have been salient. Instead, we have seen ham-fisted Tories and Labour deciding on the morality of wording and ignoring the political point - if they will continue to vindicate a minority and fail to advocate for all, then they will come under serious criticism, and rightly so.

It was a crude comparison, but his speech should not have been silenced by the falsely consciencious toadies of Labour and the Conservatives.


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