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Pavement cyclists

Organisations that promote the interests of cyclists while ignoring their bad behaviour always quote accident statistics.

They are well aware that most people don't report any but the most serious incidents simply because they cannot be identified in any way so these injuries are massively under-reported. I have been hit by one and so have an ever increasing number of neighbours and acquaintances, people who once believed pavement cycling was harmless and now think otherwise. None of these incidents were reported to the police as there was no chance of identifying or catching the criminal.

The attitude of cyclists is that if an “accident” does not put you in hospital then it does not matter. I disagree and so do many others; it hurts a lot to be hit by a bike going at speed and it makes you feel anxious after that whenever you are out. We should be able to go out for a walk without feeling constantly nervous, post a letter without looking behind and exit a shop without looking left and right.

It’s a pavement – not a road!


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