Keep up the fight Martin. Your a real champion
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 2011-08-24 01:24.I have watched Martin train and fight for many years since our school days. In our school days [ Haverstock school ] there was a fight guarenteed every friday outside of school grounds and for some reason Martin was the main attraction simply because it was a joy to see him take on others twice his size and never lost, infact after flooring them he would kindly pick them from the floor and for that reason he gained his respect all around the school.
I trained in the same boxing gym he still trains [ St pancras ], and can clearly remember watching him spar with the bigger boys and at times men. His movement, vision and boxing ability assured me that he was a real champion. At times when I was training, i always took short breaks just to see Martin spar before getting a slap on the face from Brian, our trainer.
Keep up the fight Martin, was sad to hear about your mum and your right, she would never want to see you moping around so do her proud and keep up the good work.
You probably will not remember me as has been a very long time but sean will definately remember me, just ask him about Ishmeal Jack from school.
Ishmeal Jack