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Peter Bradshaw

Why does NO ONE ever mention that what you plan to build is a level 3 + bio containment facility that will work on deadly air borne pathogens and viruses.

There are a plethora of examples of such entities worldwide suffering leakages and security breeches. This includes the theft of anthrax in the USA which resulted in the death of 5 American citizens, and the loss of 3 mice in Boston which had been infected with the bubonic plague. The mice were never found!

There are a plethora of other examples at BCFS and each one of these entities uses couriers to transport the pathogens to the lab, that is how a parcel of anthrax exploded in a couriers office!

Do not hide the truth this is a Bio Containment Facility Level 3 + and as such represents a very real danger to those who live around it. That is not to mention the building itself becoming a terrorist target or the pathogens being a sought after commodity for terrorists wishing to construct a "dirty bomb".

Sanity says there is no place for this building between two of London's busiest train stations ann a euro tunnel connection on its door step. This is MADNESS!!!!!!!


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