Removal of Homeopathy form NHS
Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 2010-07-12 12:29.BMA CONFERENCE RE HOMEOPATHY
What is it about Homeopathy that evidence based medicine (EBM) find so disturbing that it has now brought in the British Medical Association (BMA) to vote on a number of resolutions calling on the NHS to stop funding Homeopathic hospitals and treatments?
In the same way that that the Church in the 15th century could not integrate the Copernican heliocentric theory of the solar system into their rigid dogma, so EBM has refused to acknowledge any other system of healing other than their own.
Most of us are familiar with the propaganda the scientific opponents of Homeopathy have been actively promoting that there is a consensus of opinion that Homeopathy does not work.
However, have these opponents fully studied Homeopathic literature, met and talked to a suitable teacher, and followed Hahnemann’s extensive testing principles? Without this, the refutation of Homeopathy is without foundation, for under true open-minded scientific thinking, you have not studied the subject, and are thus in no position to judge.
Why should the dominant Goliath EBM be so afraid of the David Homeopathy? Why should EBM and the BMA deny patients the right of choice in their treatment? Not everyone responds to synthetic drugs, yet EBM insists on the “herd” principle that one drug fits all. It is interesting to note that iatrogenic illness, caused by the side effects of EBM drugs, is the 4th largest cause of death in the Western world. A statistic not held by Homeopathy.
A parallel to the war on Homeopathy is the European Directive on Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products.
Legally, the Directive requires that the same pharmaceutical standards applied to conventional synthetic drugs, is applied to herbal products and has not taken into account the complex nature of very long-standing non-European medical systems.
As a result, it discriminates against the traditional medical systems of both China and Indian subcontinent which are integral to over one third of the world’s population.
Therefore, the same pharmaceutical standards applied to conventional synthetic drugs cannot be applied to Homeopathy for the simple reason it does not take into account the different nature of the workings of Homeopathy.
So the question has to be asked….What is your problem when it appears that all the “medical” cards are stacked in favour of EBM? Why deny the choice of treatment when the cost in miniscule in relation to EBM treatments? If Homeopathy is destroyed by EBM…what is next on the list?