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Boris Johnson is a liar or an idot, or possibly both. When running for office he camapigned to keep ticket offices open, but now he wants to shut them. Either he lied to people about his true intentions, or he was too stupid to understand the financial relaities of Oyster vs paper ticket sales. We need a mayor who is informed and understands the issues properly. he isn't that person.

He campaigned on a platform of negotiating strike free deals with Tube unions, but has not actually spoken to them since becoming Mayor in May 2008. Clearly another lie he used to get elected.

He 'banned' drinking alcohol on public transport, yet we already had real laws that dealt with drunkeness - all that was needed was for them to be enforced. His headline grabbing 'bye laws' have changed nothing. people still drink on the Tube as they know his plastic prohibition has no basis in law - they won't be prosecuted.

the man can't or won't answer his critics when he's questioned on his U-turns and lies. He's the shame of London.


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