get out of my kitchen
Submitted by KilburnJohn on Fri, 2009-12-11 14:57.Where on earth does the Council get "96.6 per cent of tenants are delighted" from ? Does Councillor Chris Naylor go around the Borough with clip board in hand asking innocent folk "are you delighted with our new kitchens and bathrooms"? We are asked to believe that only 3.4 % of the residents have said something short of "I am delighted", nobody said OK, Not too bad, satisfactory, and nobody sait terrible, shocking, appaling, frightening. The 3.4 % includes those on holiday, in hospital, too ill to answer the door, night shift workers, persons with disabilities and so on. Why, Why does the good Councillor Chris Naylor NEVER come across the people that complained to the camden New Journal last week and again this week. Not all residents are as knowledgeable about building work as Christopher Canty. The need to paint the kitchen 3 times tells me that something is seriously wrong there, there may even be a fire risk. Councillor Naylor please in the interests of the safety of your tenants and leaseholders and the Council Tax payers would you be kind enough please to procure the services of INDEPENDENT professional Quality Control surveyors who will report to a Scruting Committee, or residents NOT to the Officers who have got us all into this mess. Please Cllr Naylor do not wait for another tragedy associated with a Council building.