Feminism is a cult of victimhood with addicted adherents
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2011-09-08 19:37.Feminism portrays women as helpless victims of men. It makes women feel like they are born under some kind of Original Sin and that men are the enemy.
It depicts womanhood as a burden and pregnancy as a disease -- something that can only be relieved through abortion, lesbianism, or endless navel-gazing about their unused ovaries.
Feminism turns women against their fathers, brothers, husbands, and all men. These feminists also demean women who choose to stay home and raise a family. Feminists love divorce, abortion, and single motherhood. They are addicted to feeling like victims.
A feminist is the only person who is disappointed upon hearing that she has equal rights.
A feminist is the only person who marches for the right to be called a "slut" and then is shocked when men treat her as such.
A feminist is the only person who has a high-paying desk job who looks at lower-paid, working-class men and mutters to herself, "I'm so oppressed!".