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The right solution to stopping these thugs.

These rioters are the scum of the UK all collected together, all the 'rudeboys', muggers, the vicious scum who attack people in streets, bars and clubs, the scum that rape and ruin peoples lives, who put fear on the streets ... they are people we see every day but now they are together and they have the audacity to directly challenge 'en masse' our otherwise peaceful society ... the police are not allowed to protect us because 'the race card' is out as usual, or because so many of these idiots are under 16 and apparently 'untouchable' by any meaningful punishment ... they are not fighting for freedom or anything else, they are not protestors, they are just evil criminals ... Easy solution: They are all together, use the army to surround them, close-in and arrest them, anyone who resists should be shot, simple as.


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