my opinion
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 2011-07-21 13:08.Although many will be delighted that a police operation on this scale has been mounted in the Queen's Crescent area some will be questioning the timing of the operation.
A similar operation that had been "months in planning" also took place this week in Hackney.
That both these operations took place in the week that Sir Paul Stephenson and John Yates resigned seems more than a coincidence.
The briefing given to police in Queen's Crescent that I saw yesterday included a section attributed to Mr Godwin (presumably Tim Godwin Deputy Commissioner). It was a rallying call to staff to "walk tall" during these "tricky" "challenging "upsetting" times. It refers specifically to the resignation of Sir Paul and Mr Yates.
I can't help but see this operation serving two purposes. One is to fight crime - something that we all want. The second is to boost police morale and to create positive propaganda in a bad news week for the Met.