Facts according to Queen Victoria
My mother had told me stories about doctors bringing babies in black bags or storks delivering them…`
MY mother and Queen Victoria had one thing in common. Neither was capable of believing in lesbianism. > more |
How Rose Hacker's column began... Click here
The war and peace within us all - I WANT to send a Christmas message to all my readers, especially friends from the past who have written wonderful letters to me. > more
Our socialist dreams are fading - ARGUMENTS rage about where to build so-called “afford able housing”. For many people trying to find a first home...>more
Lessons of second childhood - AS though it was meant to be, I started a new life in my second century. > more
What happened to our dream? - I HAVE lived in a variety of housing and learned the importance of decent homes in people’s lives. I never experienced personally... > more
Beware the prophets of profit - NOW I’m really frightened… In one week last month I attended three funerals. > more
Rich rewards in visual memories - I AM now nearly 18 months old. It is as if last March I was given a second century to start all over again. > more
Children are fighting for an education - IF I write often about what I see as the tragedy of Margaret Thatcher’s abolishing the Greater London Council and Inner... > more
As women, we still have to work for greater equality - AT a mere 100 years old, it has had great impact. None the less, it ought to have had more. > more
Ten questions for Labour’s deputy leader candidates - REGULAR junk mail is bad enough but my recycling bin’s overflowing with discarded letters from would-be...>more
The safety of human lives should come before profit - LAST August 6 I was asked to speak at the Hiroshima Day memorial ceremony in Tavistock Square... > more
Our world is run by men who behave like little boys - THE noble art of losing face may sometime save the human race… > more
Today’s refugees are our class-mates- I CONSIDER myself classless. I grew up in a world where everybody “knew their place”.
£20 to a good cause from a man who preached hatred - WHEN I first started this column I wondered if anybody outside my family, friends and immediate... > more
We can create utopia. So why do we lack the will? - OH to be in England now that April’s there.” What a miracle life is, whether human, animal or plant. At this... > more
There’s nobody we ever meet we can’t learn from - I LEARN from everybody, young and old, including people others dismiss. > more
We are forgetting our advances in child care - ON my 101st birthday, last Saturday, my great-grand-daughter informed me she’ll be four in July, then she’s... > more
Professional politicians are ruining democracy - IT was thrilling for me to live through the 20th century and witness the birth of our system of government by... > more
‘I could go on forever’ says Rose, 101 - AT 100 years old, she is the world’s oldest correspondent, with a fortnightly column in the New Journal expounding... > more
Children of all abilities need to mix and match - THE London County Council was set up in 1903, three years before my birth. It was abolished in 1964... > more
A backward step in mental health care - LAST week’s news of a new Mental Health Act, to allow people with mental illness to be locked up even with no history... > more
Poverty should have been history by now - CHRISTMAS giving is over, it’s time to count the cost. As usual, shopkeepers panicked the public was not buying... > more
Money makes the world go morally bankrupt - WHILE I may bemoan the disappearance of the creativity I so value from London’s schools and the consequent... > more
Pupils need to play and to act in order to learn - TO a child, experiencing the sight of a tree bursting into leaf, the smell of a flower blooming, the sound... > more