
Rose Hacker - The world's oldest correspondent is 101 |
‘I could go on forever’ says Rose, 101
AT 100 years old, she is the world’s oldest correspondent, with a fortnightly column in the New Journal expounding on everything from the dangers of religious dogma to her feminist friends.
On Saturday, Rose Hacker (pictured) – author, campaigner, sex therapist, artist and most recently, journalist – reaches another milestone when she celebrates her 101st birthday.
The sprightly centenarian, who lives in sheltered housing in Highgate, plans to mark the occasion simply by having a quiet dinner with her sons and grandchildren in a local restaurant.
She said: “I don’t want anyone to make a fuss but I expect they will. I am a sort of celebrity now. It’s very exciting and I do enjoy it.”
Born in east London to Jewish parents, Rose, a clothes designer by trade, became a radical socialist in the 1930s, travelling to the Soviet Union on the same boat as Beatrice and Sidney Webb.
Later she joined the Marriage Guidance Council and became one of Britain’s first sex therapists and the author of many books on teenage sexuality. In the 1970s she was an elected member of the Greater London Council. But it was the publication of Rose’s sparky, elegant columns in the New Journal – the first piece ran last September – which made her an overnight sensation at the age of 100. Requests to interview her continue to pour in from all over the world.
She said: “It has given me a new lease of life. The adrenalin flows and I get excited although I do get very tired. But it does give a point and purpose to one’s life. I could go on forever. I just have so many ideas. When I was asked to do the column, I just had to do it. I could not resist the chance to write. And the only thing that matters is not to have the bomb or the war. I just think we should change rapidly or we could end it all.”