We don’t want to be privatised, what we want is a fairer Maiden
Controversial proposals aimed at improving the Maiden Lane estate have repercussions for social housing across the borough, argue Kate Purcell and Rachel Zatz
THE Maiden Lane estate is... > more |
Auction sell-off bungle still makes uncomfortable reading
IT must have been uncomfortable, admittedly, for the power-holders at the Town Hall to read our exposure last week of how a deaf woman had discovered through our columns that her home had been auctioned off.
It couldn’t have been a pretty story for them to digest.> more
Sizing up the options for a new school in borough’s south - EDUCATION Secretary Ed Balls has made it quite clear he believes Camden needs to... > more
How to keep youth out of terrorists’ arms - I HAVE been thinking about the contrasting cases of Prince Harry and the young British Asian would-be... > more
We will only sell off empty homes - I HAVE to say I found last week’s front page article – ‘They sold my home’ bombshell – quite unacceptable... > more
Call centre is no answer - I WAS delighted to read Andrew Lisicki’s concern about Careline in the CNJ (March 6). > more
Am I an old problem? - I ENTIRELY agree with Mr Lisicki (Letters, March 6). > more
Praise for a real fair cop - MANY readers will have been heartened by Abdul Salam’s letter (March 6) in which he praised the sensitive way in... > more
Green party! Thanks to supporters up our street - ON behalf of the residents, users and friends of Little Green Street, a big thankyou to the people... > more
Is it too taxing to turn up for budget meeting? - I WAS amazed to see that two of Belsize’s three Liberal Democrat councillors failed to turn up last week for... > more
Haven’t we learned academy lessons? - CONGRATUALTIONS to Frank Dobson and the campaigning parents for getting the government to listen... > more
Libraries booked up - IT’S a pity the Camden New Journal chose to overlook the fact that Camden’s libraries are flourishing and are the top three... > more
I Wasteful operation - WHAT has happened to democracy, local accountability, prudent financial management and treasuring our heritage? > more
Health services are undermined by decision - IT is said the decision by the Camden PCT to contract some GP services has been taken in good faith... > more
Noho? No way. Let’s call the hospital flats Nightingale Square - AS a Camden resident for more than 30 years, I am shocked and saddened to learn of... > more |