Sizing up the options for a new school in borough’s south
• EDUCATION Secretary Ed Balls has made it quite clear he believes Camden needs to open a new secondary school south of the Euston Road (South of the borough could get a new school, March 6). He has also confirmed his department would provide the funds to build such a school, over and above what has already been allocated to the borough via Building Schools for the Future. This news means Camden needs urgently to reconsider its BSF proposals.
It is now clear that six forms of entry is not the minimum size permissible by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF). They are in fact happy to consider schools with four forms of entry given the special circumstances of an inner London area. Four forms of entry is approximately the size of Camden School for Girls and William Ellis School, both of which prove it is possible to offer a broad curriculum to a high standard with a small intake.
Other secondary schools in the borough need not have their overdue investment delayed any further as a result of this development. The DCSF has also told Camden that “re-phasing the programme would allow overall progress to be maintained as work could start on schools whose future sites and sizes were already confirmed”. What’s to stop Camden reconsidering its proposals?
Parents in our area have repeatedly rejected the plan to expand South Camden Community School to eight forms of entry, which would make it the borough’s biggest school. Parents are concerned whether it is in the best interests of SCCS to squeeze even more young people on to an already cramped site.
It’s clear that by far the best location would be the Eastman Dental Hospital on Gray’s Inn Road, opposite a revamped Kingsway College. Wouldn’t it be an idea for Camden to sit round the table with them and strike a deal, perhaps involving a land-swap?
The BSF plans as they stand are due to be ratified by the council executive on March 19, and submitted for approval to the government on April 8.
Camden residents, please let your views be known before March 31, via the schools organisation consultation on the Camden website, and tell your local councillors what you think before March 19.