For housing, we shouldn’t need to click on home page
Society’s most vulnerable will be left at the back of the queue if bidding for social housing is taken over by the web-savvy, argues Robert Latham
RECENT reports that Camden... > more
Public inquiry is essential after tragic death of Salma
AN inquiry should be held following the tragic death of Salma ElSharkawy simply because it throws up so many questions. And the more public the inquiry the better.
We recognise that social services in Camden – and elsewhere – have been operating under great strain for years. > more
We are not taking the advertisements away - FURTHER to your article (A question of press freedom in the balance, July 12), I wish to make it clear that... > more
Motivated by politics - YOUR article on the Conservative/Liberal Democrat administration’s decision to cut the adverts for choice-based... > more
Muddled on finances - JOHN Mills’s article appears somewhat muddled (£2 a week: the cost to you of bungled council budget, July 12). > more
Risks of hospital profit motive - I READ with interest John Gulliver’s review of the University College London Hospital chief executive’s report to... > more
Heating for this year! - WE were promised heating by Conservative councillors (Residents ‘left out in the cold’ by Tories, July 12), but Labour... > more
We want competition to find school sponsor -
ON Wednesday July 25 Camden Council will meet to make a decision about whether to opt for a preferred... > more
Done deal - I ATTENDED the last consultation meeting, at the Camden Centre, regarding the proposed new school for Camden. > more
Too many signs of the times - THE new road sign outside Sainsbury’s in Camden Town, advising lorries if they are too high to pass under Camden... > more
Backing for alternative businesses -
WE would like to offer sympathy to Sandra Gee who is closing her business, Hutton, in Camden Town... > more
Boys on the buses idea does not work - I AM all in favour of free transport for children accompanied by an adult, or when going to or from school, but this... > more.
Will we get a refund for unfair tickets? -
MY resident’s car permit ran out last week. I had moved recently and missed the posted reminder. > more
Well done to Mayor Ken for tackling the Dalby Street mess - CONCERNING your front page story (Ken: I’m in charge, July 12), it was not so long ago... > more
Threat to our amenities - THE relevance of the Mayor’s decision regarding Dalby Street is that he chose to get involved in a relatively small project... > more
Let’s hear proposals - ON July 25 Camden Council will make an indicative decision about how it will proceed with the new school planned... > more
Still time for contest - I AM sorry to read that Fortune Green councillor Jane Schopflin is very, very weary of those of us who are asking for a competition... > more
A debate is necessary - AT a meeting last week with myself and Penny Roberts (chair of the Church Secondary School for Camden Campaign), the council... > more
Left out of the loop -
AS both a student and an elected representative of young people in Camden, I have been concerned that hardly any of my fellow... > more |