No sign of a Brown bounce or Cameron factor
• A BIG thank you is due to the good people of Haverstock.
Matt Sanders won a convincing victory at the July 12 by-election. The importance of this victory is not underestimated by any of the political parties who took part in the campaign.
There was neither a positive “Brown bounce” nor a “Cameron effect”.
Quite simply, the people of Haverstock decided to vote for an honest young man who, on the doorstep, eloquently explained to voters in a manner devoid of political rhetoric his genuine desire to work for his community
We live in a Camden that comprises many races and a large mix of social and economic circumstances.
We co-exist side by side and many young people like Matt recognise our inter-dependency.
Matt is part of a new generation of Liberal Democrats who understand the need for young people to take a positive role in improving society.
I am convinced that along with the other Liberal Democrat councillors he will work hard for his neighbours in Camden and prove to be a positive influence for the betterment of our community.
Chairman Holborn and St Pancras Liberal Democrats, NW1
• I WOULD like to thank everybody who voted for me in the Haverstock by-election for their support.
It was a privilege to meet so many voters across the ward and I’m grateful for the many kind words and interesting conversations over the past few weeks.
Haverstock is a vibrant area with a strong community spirit and I hope that, by working together, local people can overcome any problems the area faces.
Lastly, I want to wish Matt Sanders well as he takes over from Roy Shaw and thank all the candidates for helping to make this a fair – if tough – campaign.
Gladys Road, NW6
• THE Liberal Democrats’ campaign approaching the Haverstock by-election has been hysterically, pathetically patronising.
Far from encouraging a reasoned, intelligent response from her potential voters, the incumbent councillor Jill Fraser has returned to the policy she adopted last year and delivered a veritable barrage of dumbed-down, anti-political guff around the neighbourhood.
A letter from “talented young man” Matt Sanders displayed impeccable political rhetoric by suggesting that the council elections were a two-horse race, a point which it might not have seemed so earth-shatteringly stupid to make had he not chosen to illustrate this “fact” with the use of a clip art drawing of (wait for it) two racehorses.
And who says politics is getting dumber?
Jill Fraser, the “senior” member of the team, could not leave it at this, of course, and fired off her own missive, written in blue ink on blue paper in a photocopied mock-up of her own handwriting, which (perhaps tellingly) slanted backwards.
Her personal touch was evident from the second sentence, in which she asserted that “you have voted for me so many times in the past”. Who has?
The people who voted Labour into control last year?
She goes on to identify Matt Sanders as some sort of hero-vigilante of the Haverstock Ward, a man whose campaign to “gain evidence” has led to the identification of “15 young people who have been causing some of the problems”.
Thanks, Matt. The body of the letter ended “love Jill” and, as if that was not enough, she followed this with a postscript urging Green and Tory supporters to “vote for MATT SANDERS”, followed by two kisses.
We’ve moved on from Baldwin and Gladstone, but can you imagine anybody serious about social or political progress ending a plea to the intelligent populace with “love Jill”?
When was the last time Gordon Brown blew a kiss after a party political broadcast?
The Liberal Democrats receive support in Camden because we are frustrated with Labour, the Tories are still not viable and the Greens, for all of their zeitgeist-surfing eco-credentials, lack sufficient clout for many voters.
Steele’s Road, NW3
• THE fate of the victor in the Haverstock by-election was unquestionably helped by his unreserved support for making Talacre Gardens a Town Green under the new Act of Parliament.
Since the election got under way, it was revealed that not only might an early decision lead to this becoming London’s first, but also the first Town Green in England and Wales.
This decision can be taken by Camden alone.
Matt, we are all watching this space. Over to you – and congratulations.
Acting Chair, Friends of Talacre Gardens
50 Talacre Road, NW5