The government is taking liberties with our freedom
Film director Chris Atkins fears Tony Blair’s departure could lead to even more powers for police to stop us
IF anyone has the hope that as soon as Tony Blair leaves Downing Street, the nation will suddenly be handed back... > more |
Baby death at the Royal Free – who is to blame?
A BABY of a few minutes has died tragically at the Royal Free. Who is to blame?
In today’s blame culture, fingers are pointed at the hospital front-line staff.
Incorrect dosages may well have been made, and bad-tempered staff said things they must now regret. > more
Rich and famous walk past charity collectors - LAST Saturday was Animal Day, which comes but once a year when animal welfare charities combine... > more
Geography all wrong for school plan -
EVERY week seems to bring more evidence that Councillor Andrew Mennear and his Tory and Lib Dem colleagues.... > more
Phone fears are unfounded -
YOUR article ‘Not in my back yard – it’s full’(June 7) raised the issue of public concerns regarding the perceived health effects... > more
Insult to low paid - I AM deeply disappointed that the Neanderthal wing of the Conservative Party in the London Assembly, led by Brian Coleman... > more
Home truths - WE believe the current administration will be slung out of office if they do not listen to the electorate. > more
All God’s creatures - WHAT a contrast between St Paul’s Church in Camden Square and St George’s Church in Bloomsbury. > more
Keep school permits - I SEE that Camden Council has published the results of the school-run consultation. Maybe now the council will realise that... > more
Another Roy, please - I WAS sorry to read about Roy Shaw’s retirement due to ill health (Roy, ‘the king of Camden’, June 7). It has been great for Haverstock... > more
Crack town - WHY not ask Pete Doherty to open the Walk of Fame? Why not call it the Walk of Hard Drugs? > more
Why we have to spend wisely - ON June 27, Camden’s Executive will be giving £6.2million to the local voluntary and community sector in Camden... > more
Claim carers’ cash! - MANY carers across Camden may be missing out on extra cash, with an estimated £740 million of carers’ benefits left unclaimed... > more
Palestine group’s kite joy - THANK you for putting in a picture of the June 5 Freedom Kites event. That was a lovely evening on Parliament Hill when we... > more
Volunteer centre celebrates 40th - I’M writing to wish Volunteer Centre Camden a very happy 40th birthday. > more |