Gardens can be our own green showpiece
YOUR item of May 31 (Extra protection for Talacre Gardens) struck a chord locally. As William Nawrocki points out in his letter of June 7 (Talacre Bedfellows), for once, everyone, residents as well as politicians, seems to agree on one important goal, which is to protect a cherished 2.5-acre park in a deprived area of Kentish Town.
From the 52 members of the public attending the launch of Friends of Talacre Gardens on May 29, the organisation has already grown to 118 registered members. All of them have unanimously signed up to the Town Green idea. This is an overwhelming reaction.
With such a consensus of opinions across the divide, the registration of Talacre Gardens as Town Green should be a swift formality by Camden’s executive coalition. Hopefully it will be London’s first Town Green.
It is important to this community that the future of Talacre Gardens be built upon solid foundation. Once the Town Green status is registered, the Parks department will then apply, with our support, for the Green Flag award in 2008. These alone should significantly enhance the reputation of Talacre Gardens and bring prestige to Camden.
Other ideas which are coming forward seem to indicate a positive involvement from the community. One suggested we raise a grant to build long benches in the fashion of Gaudi/Jujol’s undulating benches in Barcelona. These would then be decorated with mosaics by local children under the supervision of professional art teachers. That would be an excellent way to bring residents together and make the children feel that they have ownership of their park.
It is to be hoped that by 2012, year of the Olympics, Talacre Gardens should be the pride of Camden with its exquisitely maintained park and protected status.
Much as we were prepared for a battle to achieve the Town Green, we now mercifully seem to be pushing at an open door. After all the anxiety local residents have experienced over the threat of encroachment of their park, this is nothing short of a miracle.
Personally, I am overwhelmed by all the goodwill and support Friends of Talacre Gardens are receiving from all corners of Camden.
Acting Chairman, Friends of Talacre Gardens
Talacre Road, NW5
• AT the last local election (2006), Labour were reluctant to commit themselves to the refurbishment of the Kentish Town Swimming Baths. Lib Dems, on the other hand, did, and it certainly helped them win the election.
Now pushing for Talacre Gardens becoming a Town Green would bring the coalition nothing but goodwill (Extra protection for Talacre Gardens, May 31).
If they say ‘no’ or hesitate, however, then it might possibly cost both the Lib Dems and the Tories the by-election in the Haverstock ward.
Sometimes it is the smallest thing that tips the balance one way or the other.
Talacre Gardens could make that difference.
Too many people need this small park. This is an emotive issue locally.
Grafton Road