Royal Parks pitches’ plan is all about cash
The scheme to build football pitches in Regent’s Park is an act of greed and vandalism, writes Judy Hillman
DEVELOPERS justify even the most outrageous schemes with fine words and seductive images. But fundamentally most proposals, even if argued... > more |
Too many given the brush off
IN opposition the Lib Dems strove hard to gain the common touch.
Street politics became a bye-word for their activism.
However, if they keep up the present momentum of indifference to the public pulse, they are at risk of squandering the political riches accumulated in recent years. > more
We must protect this life-saver - THE council says the Careline emergency service is expensive to run. > more
Surprised at negative reaction to plans - WE are writing to express our surprise and concern about the negative tone of the coverage and letters you have... > more
Dogs need off-lead exercise - THE police are already in possession of the powers necessary to curb the behaviour of irresponsible dog-owners. > more
Thanks to bus driver - I HAVE had occasion recently to complain about London Buses drivers being unhelpful in their attitude to the travelling public. > more
Find real fixes for school run - RE your article (School run traffic causes ‘gridlock’) and Councillor David Abrahams’ letter (I pronounce debate on school... > more
Well done for tackling slum landlords - WELL done Camden Council for bringing a successful prosecution against the slum landlords of 64 Fellows... > more
Freezing council tax was an election pledge - READING your front-page story (Size zero tax anger, Feb 22), one could be fooled into thinking that it was a negative... > more
We were right to close - IT would have been foolish to have ignored the weather warning for Thursday February 8, which told us of a 90 per cent chance of travel... > more
Lost in benefit labyrinth - I AM a woman with two girls aged seven and 12 and due to illness I am on Income Support. > more
Sell-offs will be a disaster - YOUR leader (The darker side of more power cuts, Feb 22) has much wider ramifications than the control and supply of power in Britain... > more
Recycle more - I live on the Bourne Estate, EC1, where we have a weekly doorstep green bag recycling collection. > more
Cover up the statue - ABOUT that statue outside St Mary’s in Eversholt Street (Leave statue alone, Feb 22). > more
Sobering thought for chatty drivers - AS a pedestrian and a cyclist, and sometimes a driver I am very alarmed by the high proportion of drivers I still see around... > more
The flaw in the system - IT is outrageous that the Town Hall solicitors have given flawed advice to councillors regarding planning matters (High court to test King’s... > more
Everybody needs to fight racism - I WAS disturbed to read the account of an incident involving anti-Semitic remarks on a bus and I commend those who... > more
Sowing the seeds of a future police state - THANKS to Mr Thomas Andrews who wrote to the New Journal about his concern at the victimisation of Muslims (I fear we... > more
Private firms care little about caring - COUNCILLOR Martin Davies talks about modernizing residential homes and sheltered housing (Help us to keep... > more |