Freezing council tax was an election pledge
• READING your front-page story (Size zero tax anger, Feb 22), one could be fooled into thinking that it was a negative article, but the crucial part was actually in the second paragraph: “Senior councillors were… at a cabinet meeting… nailing their key election pledge to make no new demand on tax payers.”
The significance of this sentence should not be under-estimated because Camden residents finally have a fiscally prudent council after 35 years of inefficient Labour tax and spend policies.
The Camden part of the council tax will be frozen this year which will primarily help pensioners and those on low incomes which is fantastic news for residents who were getting used to rising tax bills each year.
The Lib Dem-led administration is not only freezing the council tax but spending £23 million on repairing the vital services at Kentish Town Baths, planning to build a new secondary school at Swiss Cottage and moving 18 extra police community support officers to the streets of Camden Town.
I for one welcome this change of tactic at the Town Hall from the new council who are showing a greater responsibility with taxpayers hard-earned money which greatly differs from previous Labour regimes.
Huw Prior
Princess Road, NW1