Roll of honour planned at bombed church following outcry over tribute
A MEMORIAL to honour fallen soldiers from the Second World War is to be erected in Soho 70 years after its parish church was destroyed in the Blitz...> more |
Charity’s cut of profits! Free hairdressing day
is a hit
A BARBER raised £1,400 yesterday (Wednesday) to help fund research into an incurable brain disease which claimed the life of his 10-year-old son.
Haim Cohen, who has run Life Barbers in Drury Lane, Covent Garden... > more |
New ‘masterplan’ for housing - HOUSING bosses have launched a controversial masterplan to revive some of the borough’s most dilapidated “sink” estates...>more
Docs’ job-saving operation - DOCTORS’ leaders have vowed to step up their fight to save more than 100 academic and clin ical research jobs at Imperial College after ...>more
Gay hate death: trio in court - THREE suspects arrested after the death of a gay civil servant attacked in Trafalgar Square have made a brief appearance at the ...>more
10 New York minutes sketch - MOST of us in the capital are so waylaid by our warp-speed lives we struggle to even remember what day of the week it is. >more
Parliament of the Living Dead? Zombies call for referendum on voting system - WE all know there be monsters in parliament but we’ve never seen them like this before.>more
Call to ‘criminalise bankers not sex workers’ - PROSTITUTES from Soho descended on Parliament Square on Tuesday to object against the government’s policing and ...>more
> Click here for last week's news |