Undermining our peaceful haven
• THE silver tongue, or silvered printed word of Councillor Lee Rowley (Looking after Soho Square, Letters, September 25) regarding the amenity is depressing, though unsurprising.
Yes Soho Square should be “a haven amid the hustle and bustle of the West End”.
Yet when the councillor defends “public events in the square that benefit locals and visitors” he is defending rashes of marketing projects that have damaged the grass, often restricting access to the square and certainly undermining the square as a peaceful haven. > more |
Progress on rehousing
I AM writing to reassure your readers that we have given helping families who live in overcrowded conditions the highest priority in our housing plans. (Don’t they care about the poor?, September 25).
We recognise the extent and the seriousness of this problem and have pledged to offer larger accommodation to 1,000 families on our current waiting list who live in overcrowded conditions. > more |