‘Tax’ to clear bulky rubbish
RESIDENTS will have to pay an extra £20 to throw away bulky rubbish such as fridges, mattresses and cupgoards under a new scheme.
Previously there was no charge, but Westminster City Council says it wants to enourage recycling by charging for collection.
People receiving housing or council tax benefit will not be billed.
With the charge being introduced on September 21, it has sparked fears of a spate of fly-tipping ahead of the date.
Labour group leader Paul Dimoldenberg claims the charge is a stealth-tax to recover the £17million lost by the council in the Icelandic bank collapse last year.
He said: “It will result in more rubbish dumped on the streets and more calls to the council’s environment line to pick it up.
“Residents can expect more rubbish dumped on the streets thanks to the Conservative’s new bulky rubbish tax,” he added.
The council has defended the scheme, claiming it is one of the few local authorites that don’t already charge for collection.
“It has played down fears of fly tipping in the borough, saying there is no evidence that it has happened elsewhere when such schemes have been introduced.
Coucillor Danny Chalkley, cabinet member for city management at the council said the the charge “represents excellent value for money”. |