
Soho Square: Parks bosses are planning to returf the lawn |
Square ‘dust bowl’
closure call
Locals seek limit on corporate parties and festivals to stop further damage
SOHO Square gardens should be closed to corporate parties and festivals because they are turning the ground into a “dust bowl”, residents have claimed.
Residents living nearby have long bemoaned the number of events held in the square – which they say cheat them out their public space – but are now calling on parks bosses to take tougher action and axe them altogether.
They say the soil is being eroded to the point where there is barely any grass left and the landmark square is being spoiled for the hundreds of workers and residents who take time out in the gardens every day.
Last weekend thousands of revellers descended on the square for one of the biggest events in the gay calendar, Soho Live 09. The council would not release the figures for how many events it licenses to take place in the square, but it is thought the number is around 20 a year.
Parks bosses are planning to returf the lawn in the autumn, claiming it would have been pointless to try to patch up the ground before the festival.
The call to protect the ground comes just days after the delayed restoration of the striking grade-II listed cottage and former air raid shelter in the centre of the square was completed.
Residents had previously accused the council of “wilful neglect”, for letting the Victorian cottage built slide into such a state of disrepair. Now that the cottage is finally in good health, residents say it is madness to put the gardens at risk.
Malcolm Rasala, who lives in nearby Dean Street said: “I am a Westminster business ratepayer. I help pay the rates that keep Soho Square gardens special. I have nothing against the holding of Soho Live 09. Far from it.
“However, I am strongly against it being held within the garden of Soho Square. Two years ago, when a similar event was held it resulted in the lawns being enormously damaged. They have never recovered. Three or four lawns now look like dust bowls. We ratepayers pay for this garden. We live and work here.
“Why should a large number of people not from this area be allowed to ruin the garden we pay for? The garden should be locked and so not be damaged further.”
Fiona Rhys-Jenkins Bailey, chairwoman of the Soho Society said: “The grass is pretty much non-existent although I don’t think that’s because of the crowds. I think it’s the plastic they put down while the cottage was being repaired.
“It does feel like there are too many private events in the square though. The council need to look at limiting them because a lot of residents feel cheated by it. It is a public square after all.”
Lee Rowley, Westminster City Council’s cabinet member for customer services and communities, said: “Soho Square is a haven for local people and visitors amid the hustle and bustle of the West End and as such we operate a policy of only holding public events in that park that will benefit or interest local residents, businesses and visitors.
“The square has recently undergone a revamp including the restoration of the historic Tudor-style lodge and we acknowledge that carrying out this essential work has resulted in much of the grass suffering additional wear and tear.
“I would like to reassure residents and visitors that we will be returfing the whole Square in October, when the weather is more suitable and disruption to users of the park will be minimal.” |