‘Harass’? Tories’ message on crime
WEST End ward Conservatives have always talked tough on drug crime – but are they now advocating police harassment?
That appears to be the pitch coming from a rather unusual and hastily written Tory leaflet delivered through residents’ doors this week.
It announces that, following Conservative councillors’ “lobbying the Council”, there has been “an intensification of police activity to disrupt and harass”.
David Bieda, who lives in Dean Street, said: “The idea that the police are harassing people seems odd as this would be an offence.”
The leaflet was created by the Cities and Westminster Conservative Association and West End ward councillors Glenys Roberts and Frixos Tombolis.
Cllr Tombolis said: “Harass is a police phrase and that’s why we used it. It refers to harassment of drug dealers through police presence – not by assaulting anyone in anyway. I can see it could be open to misinterpretation.”