Estates in need of makeover could get £2m boost
THREE dilapidated housing estates are set to benefit from a £2million programme of improvements.
Masterplans are being drawn up for the regeneration of Tollgate Gardens in Maida Vale, the Brunel estate in Westbourne Park and Ebury Bridge in Pimlico.
The funding comes from the London Development Agency, and it is hoped plans will be firmed up by the end of year before going to a public consultation.
Councillor Philippa Roe, cabinet member for housing, said: “This is an excellent opportunity to make a real difference to the quality of homes and neighbourhoods on these estates, and improve the standard of life of our residents. “The funding will allow us to carry out full consultation with residents and local businesses and by talking to residents we can find out what they would like to see in their area, how they feel housing, shops and community space could be improved and answer any queries they may have about regeneration.”
CityWest Homes, which manages the council’s housing stock, is holding a Great Communities Day on August 1 in the Lisson Green estate where residents will be able to find out more about the plans. |