City Hall blasts ‘sham’ of immigrant checks
CITY Hall chiefs have rounded on the government for what they call “hopelessly inadequate” checks on migrant numbers and underestimates of official population figures in central London.
The council says it doesn’t get enough central government help with local services because the Office for National Statistics (ONS) does not provide accurate data.
The criticism coincides with a report published this week by the UK Statistics Authority into the progress being made into improving migration estimates.
Councillor Melvyn Caplan, cabinet member for finance, said: “The government’s handling of migrant figures has been shambolic and at huge cost to local authorities. “Their attempts to produce accurate population figures have so far been too slow and hopelessly inadequate. Tinkering around the edges with sample sizes of discredited surveys will change nothing. The government seem simply to be stirring the same pot of flawed data.” |