Uneasy riders: Further protests over motorbike ‘taxes’
MOTORBIKE protesters angry at the council’s new parking charges demonstrated outside City Hall last week. The two-wheelers claim it is the biggest turnout yet, with thousands of bikes roaring down Victoria Street to object to the daily £1 parking charge, which they brand an “unjustified tax”.
A spokesman for the No To Bike Parking Tax campaign group said: “It seems Westminster are determined to alienate and anger every road user they have!
“While claiming they have limited space on the one hand, and using that to justify the motorcycle charges, they are painting new bays for their ‘car club’, in apparently underused bays just across the road.”
The council claims the charge is needed to meet an increased demand for motorbike parking following the introduction of the congestion charge from which riders are already exempt.” |
Providing more parking spaces for bikes, is basic infrastructure, and costs a pot of paint!
Did they tax pedestrians when they widened the pavements in Oxford street?
The only reason Westminster are taxing mobility like this is they have a big American company (Verus) behind them pushing the technology, and they are desperate to refund £17 million lost in Iceland and another £15 million they threw away on a CCTV system that was the wrong specification.Their traffic department is possibly the most incompetent in the world!
Lest we forget, the charges were first introduced for the sole reason of paying for some extra 'bike bays. Those costs were met in the first 6 weeks of the trial.
Why are we still paying?