
The people of 2009 Pimlico turn out to witness the declaration of the area’s independence |
Passport to the past: Pimlico movie is remade
WITH Buckingham Palace on the horizon and the Royal borough just metres away, Pimlico isn’t an obvious hotbed of republican fervour. But revolution is in the air and strange things are afoot, none more so than when a bewigged Judge proclaimed the fledgling republic of Pimlico independent last week.
Before screaming treason and sending for the horseguards, be assured, the judge is a plummer, the courtroom is Marylebone Town Hall and the jury are all actors.
The declaration was the latest scene in the remake of British cinema classic Passport to Pimlico. The 1949 Ealing comedy is being brought back to our screens as part of a community project to improve relations between youths and elderly residents.
Judge Shoulders (local plumber Luke Warren) marked the momentous occasion with a fitting speech. He said: “Order, order – pipe down you lot. As a Pimliconian, judge, and more importantly plumber to the fledgling Republic of Pimlico it is my great honour to declare Pimlico independent.”
The project, which will include footage from the original film, is managed by Akarts and is due to be ready by the end of the year.
Artist and producer Alexis Johnson, from Akarts said: “It’s great to see so many residents of Pimlico turn out at Marylebone Town Hall.” |