
Tamil protestors in Parliament Square |
£7.94m: Assembly member’s anger at cost of Tamil protest policing
TAMIL protesters have cost the police just under £8million since descending on Paliament Square in April.
The overall figure, £7.94m, emerged following a question to London Mayor Boris Johnson from Assembly member Brian Coleman.
Mr Coleman says the Tamils have cost the taxpayer too much, and that they should “pack up and leave”.
He said: “£7.94m is an enormous amount of money to spend policing this protest and it’s a total disgrace that the London taxpayer has been forced to foot the bill for a demonstartion about a civil war in Sri Lanka which has nothing to do with Britain.
“The protesters have made their point. They should now pack up and leave the square.”
But despite the Sri Lankan governement declaring an end to the civil war last month, Tamil protesters remain defiant and have vowed to continue their round-the-clock action. They are undeterred by moves from the government and Westmisnter Council to push through emergency legislation to ban overnight protests in the square.
Protester Selvan Kulan, 32, said: “We did not choose to do this, but were made to do it. It makes us angry that the world is not listening to us.” |