
State of disrepair: but the cottage is to be restored |
Restoration for Victorian Mock Tudor landmark
WITH its broken windows, splintered roof and makeshift hoardings, the Grade II-listed cottage in Soho Square has cut a sorry sight in recent months.
Now the relic – once used as an air-raid shelter during the Blitz – is set to be restored as a base for the square’s gardeners in time for summer.
Construction work, which includes repairing the old, decayed, misshaped beams, excavating the foundations and refilling them to halt subsidence, is now underway.
The council has given responsibility for the mock-Tudor cottage, built in 1875, to the firm of HOK Architects.
The plight of the cottage has become a cause célèbre among residents, with some going as far as to accuse Westminster City Council of neglect for letting it slide into such a state of disrepair.
Work was due to start in September but suffered a set back because of confusion over how best to tackle the makeover.
Deputy leader of the council Robert Davis said: “This project will ensure the restoration of a much-loved and historic part of Soho, and ensure the area retains its unique charm and character.
“The area is home to 4,000 residents and thanks to the thriving creative and entertainment sectors, Soho Square is a haven for local people and visitors amid the hustle and bustle of the West End.
“We want to build on its genuine community feeling, and along with this important restoration there are plans which will see Berwick Street transformed, Golden Square improved and Ramillies Street revamped.”
The cottage is built from the timber of an old galleon. Its romantic exterior is the cover for the ventilation shaft of an electricity transformer station, which will eventually make way for the new Crossrail station platform. |