
Hunger striker Parameswaran Subramania is prepared to die |
‘Prepared to die’
“I AM prepared to die” is the solemn promise from Parameswaran Subramaniam, a Tamil student as he began his 11th day yesterday (Thursday) without food in Parliament Square.
He and thousands of Tamils in this country are bitterly angry over what they describe as the state-sponsored genocide of their people by the Sri Lankan government.
More than 100,000 protesters marched through the West End on Saturday, before forming a camp outside the House of Commons.
Now consigned to a wheelchair by his mock up bed, Parameswaran, 28, only came to London from Sri Lanka a few weeks ago. On Wednesday he said: “I am prepared to die because our people are dying every day in Sri Lanka.
“My mum, sister and and my sister’s husband have already died. If I breathe my last breath I hope I am the last one to die”
He and the hundreds of Tamils in the square, including a team of Sri Lankan doctors who monitor him daily, are calling for a permanent ceasefire in Sri Lanka.
Protesters blame Britain for sowing the seeds of today’s conflagration by leaving Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) divided between the Tamils and the majority population when it gave the country its independence after the Second World War. |