
Escape artist Barney |
Dog gone! Anguish as spaniel pulls off ‘Houdini’ escape
A COCKER SPANIEL with “Houdini-like tendencies” pulled off his most outrageous escape act last week – leaping to freedom from a black cab near Hampstead Heath, writes Anna Chambers.
The whereabouts of seasoned escape artist Barney the dog remain unknown after the
cunning canine jumped through the back window of a taxi belonging to dog-walker Karen
Fredman on Monday afternoon.
Ms Fredman was dropping off another of her four-legged fares in Antrim Road, Belsize Park, when she saw the five-year-old black spaniel making his
getaway. She gave
chase in her cab but could not keep up.
“I think he probably clambered on top of another dog as the windows are quite high,” said Ms Fredman. “As I came out I saw him running down the street. In over 10 years of dog-walking I have never lost a dog.”
Barney’s devastated owners, Ann and Guy Protheroe, of St John’s Wood, are appealing for his safe return – but they do not blame Ms Fredman.
“If anything, I should have made her more aware of Barney’s more Houdini-like tendencies,” said Mrs Protheroe.
“The first thing he did [when he came to us] was open the front gate.
“There was something in his psyche that
wanted to trust people but couldn’t quite
manage it.”
Barney was adopted from a dog’s home after his elderly owner
collapsed in a coma.
“He had lived a happy but sheltered life with her, but had been maltreated as a puppy,” said Ms Protheroe. “He was a bit panicky about being left on his own.”
Leaflets have been sent out across the
borough and sympathetic dog owners have offered their support in the search.
There have been sightings on Fellows Road, Chalk Farm, Haverstock Hill and Albany Street, Regent’s Park. So far, these have all been false leads.
Barney is a black cocker spaniel of about 15½ kilos with a docked tail and a gold collar marked “Protheroe”.
If you see him, call Ann on 020 7286 3944. |