 The motorcycle protest made its way into Westminster City Hall |
Motorcycle ‘stealth tax’ campaign gathers speed
More than 500 angry, leather-clad protesters take to the streets
LEGIONS of leather-clad motorcyclists roared down Victoria Street to protest against the council’s controversial parking charges this week.
The two-wheelers are angry at the daily £1.50 fee and annual £150 permit introduced on a trial basis six months ago, which they have branded a “stealth tax”.
Last month it emerged parking chiefs at Westminster Council have raked in more than £2million since rolling out the scheme. While the cash is supposed to be ploughed back into making life easier for motorcyclists, the only apparent help – 2,000 new secure bays for bikes – cost just £302,000.
Tuesday’s action – held the day before the deadline for objections – was attended by more than 500 motorcyclists, and is the eighth time they have demonstrated since the charges were introduced on August 4.
Opposition to the scheme has reached unprecedented levels. The parking department at the council has received more than 2,000 objections and the No To The Bike Parking Tax campaign group boasts the third-biggest petition on the 10 Downing Street website.
The bikers congregated at Park Lane underground car park before moving en masse to Westminster City Hall – forcing their way into the foyer.
A statement on the group’s website says: “We have debunked all Westminster’s argument, we know the tax is there to raise money, we are not idiots. [Councillor] Danny Chalkley has avoided the questions we are asking time and time again, yet no reply from Westminster. There is no benefit to this parking tax.”
The council has not waivered in its defence of the scheme, claiming it represents “excellent value for money”. They say the measure is needed to meet an increased demand for motorbike parking following the introduction of the congestion charge from which riders are already exempt.
Under the terms of the trial, the charges will be reviewed before any decision to make them permanent can be made. The decision is expected in mid March.
Kevin Goad, assistant director of parking at the council, said: “Westminster’s central location and already congested roads means it has borne the brunt of an unprecedented surge in demand – therefore it is only fair that motorcyclists make a small contribution to improving transport across the city.
“Under the current scheme it costs a maximum of £1.50 for motorcyclists to park in any motorcycle bay anywhere in the city all day – a tiny fraction of the cost to park a car for the same period.” |