
Winners: Baroness Hanham, is pictured with, from left, winners Thiago Nascimento, Jason Royce from Connexions, and Andy Nimmo and Jason Townsend from Huxley Associates |
Making a difference: Award-winning volunteers celebrate ‘Apprentice-style’
SIR Alan Sugar was nowhere to be seen and, thankfully, none of the youngsters taking part in the Apprentice-style volunteering project heard his dreaded catchphrase.
They were part of a new volunteering project organised by Connexions that was recognised in a top award ceremony last week.
The council-funded project had a challenge-based format like that seen in the hit television show. Participants were provided with simulated tasks at the recruitment consultants firm Huxley Associates.
Baroness Hanham, the Conservative spokesperson on health and home affairs, presented Westminster City Council and Huxley Associates with the Volunteering Partnership Award.
The council’s cabinet member for customers and neighbourhoods Audrey Lewis said: “I would like to congratulate all those involved in the event and look forward to continued work with the Volunteer Centre Westminster. Volunteering not only gives everyone who works and studies a chance to make a difference it also provides the means for those who are unemployed to gain valuable skills and find work.” |