
Evidence: photographs taken by Josef Dunne show cars parked in Chinatown’s dedicated bike bays |
Car drivers’ illegal parking angers motorcycle lobby
Campaigners demand change of parking policy that has ‘raked in millions’
PARKING policy at Westminster City Council has come under scrutiny for the second time in a matter of weeks after cars were caught on camera parking in motorcycle-only bays.
Earlier this month figures released by the council revealed parking chiefs raked in millions of pounds from the unpopular motorbike parking charges introduced in August.
Now photographs have emerged showing cars brazenly parked in spaces set aside for motorbike use, leaving the car park without a single free motorbike space.
The pictures have become a lightning rod for two-wheel riders in the borough, who already felt Westminster Council had imposed an unfair “stealth tax” on them.
The bays in Chinatown car park are clearly marked: “Solo motor-cycles only at any time. 8 motorcycles only in this area”.
Motorcyclist Josef Dunne, who took the pictures, said: “This shows clear disregard for motorcyclists even though they are now taxing us more than ever. It goes to show that even when they claim to be making improvements all they are interested in is the cash in their bank accounts; there is no proof on the ground. They are driving a positive, less congestive, less pollutant mode of transport out of London.”
Mr Dunne was forced to park in Soho Square.
The Labour group on the council has taken up the motorcyclists’ fight.
Labour leader Paul Dimoldenberg said: “This is further evidence of the total chaos of Westminster’s motorbike parking policy. The parking charges need to be scrapped and more parking bays should be provided using the millions of pounds the council has raked in from motorbike owners over the past few months.”
The council branded the incident “unacceptable” and said it would cone-off bays to prevent them being misused by cars.
Its assistant director of parking Kevin Goad said: “It is clearly unacceptable that car owners are parking in dedicated motorcycle bays in our car parks. I would like to reassure motorcyclists that we have instructed our car park staff to be extra vigilant and any cars found to be parked in motorcycle bays will be moved and issued with a warning notice. We have also coned-off the motorcycle bays to prevent abuse of these spaces and are reviewing signs and lines on the bays to ensure the rules are clear to all.” |