
Year 8 pupils Iva Pashova
and Eleanor Gunnery |
Behind bars: Prison?
Me! No Way!
PIMLICO Academy pupils got a taste of life behind bars as part of a scheme aimed at steering youngsters away from crime.
Using a mock-up prison cell, complete with iron bars and bunk beds, a group of Year 8 pupils spent the day isolated from classmates and being treated like real convicts on Wednesday.
There were fierce prison wardens and a small exercise yard, as well as a series of workshops led by the police, Victim Support and London Fire Brigade at the day long event called Prison? Me! No Way! Nicky Bryan, extended school co-ordinator at Pimlico Academy, said: “We want our pupils to take part in activities that highlight the importance of making a positive contribution to the community and where they can learn first hand about the potential consequences of getting involved in crime.
“We think our pupils have much to gain from hearing about the experiences of members of the police, city guardians and fire service who have to deal with the long-lasting and sometimes devastating effects crime has on the wider public every day.”
Doug Evans, the national co-ordinator of charity The No-Way Trust, which carried out the exercise, said: “If this project diverts just one or two teenagers from offending then it has literally saved lives, stopped lives from being damaged or wasted, lives which can go onto success.” |