
One of the All Stars coaches in the corner of one of the club’s young boxers |
Boxing club all set to join the fight against crime
A POPULAR boxing club is set to play a major role in the fight against youth crime after 22 volunteers completed training to become recognised coaches.
The newly qualified tutors from All Stars Boxing Club in Harrow Road will team up with the council’s youth offending teams and schools to provide youngsters with an alternative to crime and anti-social behaviour.
The club, which has produced the likes of Frank Bruno and Gary Mason, is feted in the local community for its work in rehabilitating teenage gang members by redirecting their energy into the ring. But protracted financial difficulties have threatened to deliver a knockout blow.
Councillor Audrey Lewis, Westminster Council’s cabinet member for customers and neighbouhoods said: “The discipline and self confidence All Stars has given many young men through boxing can now be extended to a much wider remit of young people, and I’m expecting that the club will play an increasingly important role in the local community.”
The club’s owners were forced to take their landlord to court after he refused to repair the old building but, despite their victory, the long-term future of the building remains in doubt. Last month a fund-raising drive helped raise £5,000 for the club which will be put towards equipment and boosting membership. |