
Joyce Whittemore |
‘Handmade goods’ rule forces trader out after 28 year
A WOMAN who claims she has been forced out of Covent Garden market after 28 years has accused landlords of creating a “culture of fear” among stallholders.
Joyce Whittemore, who has run a button stall in the Apple Market since the day it opened, has been evicted with 16 other traders.
Capital and Counties (Capco), which manages the market, has banned the stallholders from trading because they do not sell hand-made British goods.
Ms Whittemore said the situation was “grossly unfair” and is now starting to look for a new job outside the market.
“I was always the exception to the rule because I could never say I made everything on my stall by hand, but they are taking the letter of the law too far. My stall is unique, it’s quirky and creative,” she said.
Capco say they introduced a grading system to filter out traders who offer imported or mass-produced goods, but Ms Whittemore says the system is “divisive” and was intended to turn stallholders against each other.
She added: “They have created a culture of fear among stallholders with this system. People think they will be demoted if they complain and are afraid to speak out. It is divide-and-rule tactics.”
Other traders have echoed her concerns. They fear Capco are trying to transform the market into a “soulless shopping mall”.
A spokeswoman from the Apple Market Craft Council said: “Today’s move back to the original ethos of selling UK handmade goods will better champion the great British crafts available.” |