
Peter Green |
Pensioner fury at eviction threat
Housing association accused of ‘blatant hypocrisy’ for cash offer to move out
THE leader of Westminster Council’s Labour Group has called for a full investigation into the housing debacle that has left a group of pensioners facing eviction from their Pimlico homes after it emerged the block earmarked for them is unfit for wheelchair users.
The battle cry from the 30 elderly residents holed up in Wolfson House just got louder upon discovering that the council’s own guidelines for sheltered housing renders Dean Abbott House unsuitable for wheelchair users.
Sanctuary Hereward, the housing association that owns and manages the 36-room block, stands accused of hypocrisy after offering residents money to move out because the block no longer meets “legal standards required for people with restricted mobility”.
Paul Dimoldenberg, leader of the Labour Group in Westminster, has thrown down the gauntlet to Sanctuary, demanding answers, after learning of the group’s plight.
He said: “Once again elderly residents are being forced to move from their homes against their will. Last year residents in Macintosh House, Marylebone were forced out of their homes and now residents in Wolfson House are being treated in the same shabby way.”
He added: “Labour councillors stopped the council doing the same to residents in Bridgefield House, Bayswater and I will be calling on the council’s chief executive to mount a full investigation into any involvement the council has had in this shameful decision.”
Last week the defiant pensioners branded their landlords “immoral” for trying to move them from the block in St George’s Drive where some of them have lived for almost a quarter of a century.
Led by former antiques dealer Peter Green, the group is exploring the possibility of taking legal action to block the move.
Mr Green said: “The whole thing is an absolute joke. They tell us we’ve got to go because the corridors and lift aren’t safe for wheelchair users – something we dispute. And then to rub our faces in it, we find out Dean Abbott house has been classified as unsuitable also. It’s blatant hypocrisy.”
Sanctuary is consulting with residents over the block’s future and maintains they can stay if they wish. Proposals include carrying out maintenance work or demolishing the block and rebuilding two-bed and three-bed affordable homes.
Stephanie Killer, director of Sanctuary Hereward said: “The vast majority of residents at the scheme understand why we need to consider the long-term options for Wolfson house and are happy with our plans. They have complete freedom of choice about where they want to live and this has not changed. The majority are looking forward to moving into Dean Abbott House which provides more modern facilities suited to their increasing needs.”
A Westminster City Council spokeswoman said: “Sanctuary Housing has confirmed to Westminster City Council that Dean Abbot House is of a better standard than Wolfson House. The scheme has full wheelchair access to communal areas.
“Individual units at Dean Abbot are capable of being upgraded to wheelchair standard. However, Sanctuary has confirmed that none of those who have chosen to move to Dean Abbott are in wheelchairs.
“We are happy to provide assistance to residents and Sanctuary in moving this project forward.” |