Police outside Le Cordon Bleu after a trainee chef sparked a safety alert |
West End | News | Police | Cordon Bleu cookery course | Marylebone Lane
Trainee chef sparks school knife alert
POLICE were locked in a four-hour stand-off with a trainee chef who threatened to kill himself with a kitchen knife after being failed on a world-famous cookery course.
A negotiater was sent in to reason with the 28-year-old when he was told he would not be allowed to resit the £4,000 course at Le Cordon Bleu in Marylebone Lane on Wednesday night.
At 9pm, four hours after they were alerted to the flashpoint, officers stormed the school in full riot gear and stunned the man with a tazer gun. He was arrested and was still in police custody last night (Thursday).
Fellow students fled from the premises when the man grabbed the knife.
“The whole place was barricaded for hours,” said a bystander. “People said he had failed his course and it had cost him his life-savings – it was a fairly extreme reaction.”
The student, believed to be of French-Algerian origin, was on a 10-week cuisine course at the school which is run by chefs from Michelin-starred restaurants. |