
Scantily clad ladies reprise the role of Lady Godiva in Hyde Park |
West End | News | Westminster| Hyde Park | Lady Godiva | Folk hero | Vicky Dewson | Coventry | Charity
NO, it’s not a mirage.
Giving a whole new meaning to the phrase bareback riding, these scantily-clad ladies were some of the 20 brave women who stripped off in Hyde Park to honour Lady Godiva on Monday morning.
Almost 1,000 years after de-robing and riding through Coventry to protest against her husband’s treatment of his tenants, the spirit of the folk hero is alive and well. The eye-catching stunt was the idea of writer-director Vicky Dewson, 22, who wanted to promote her new film Lady Godiva while raising money for charity. The procession was led by Vicky’s sister Libby who plays Penny in the film.
And she made up for the fact she didn’t get naked in the film by flaunting all on Monday. Vicky said: “It was a great success. It’s funny, we thought getting people to strip off was going to be the problem. Ironically, the problem was that everybody was naked. There was only one position everybody could be in to take the photo.
“I didn’t strip – I was busy filming. At least that’s my excuse. They obviously enjoyed themselves. We couldn’t get some of the women off – they didn’t stop for an hour and a half.”
Vicky didn’t quite make it to her target of 50 Godivas – probably something to do with the testing requisite “bring horses and transport”, but there was a good turnout all the same. The group managed to raise more than £5,000 for Maggies Cancer Support.
Miss Dewson is now filming her new movie, The Other Place. |