Expert card-player shot himself after bizarre ‘lovers’ tiff’
ONE of Europe’s top-30 bridge players shot himself through the mouth with a shotgun in front of his lover after she refused an offer of £25,000 to leave him. > more |
Musicals legend is changing his tune
Architecture fan Lord Lloyd-Webber says modernising theatres is the ‘way forward’
LORD Lloyd-Webber has urged the government to step in and help save the West End’s crumbling theatres. > more |
Bee Gee brother unveils plaque at studio where hits were born - THE legacy of everyone’s favourite falsetto family the Bee Gees will be stayin’... > more
PR contract for £570,000 will go ahead after probe - A PROBE into the award of a £570,000 communications contract to Westminster... > more
St Anne’s open (nearly) all hours - THE rector of a Soho church has said he would consider longer opening times to cater for his Parish’s... > more
Guide will ease fears of young sexual assault victims - AUTHORS Parminder Sidhu and Nikki Capuzzu show off their new guide aimed at... > more
Hotel burglar ‘died after fall from roof’ - A MAN plunged to his death after trying to escape from a Pimlico hotel when he was caught... > more
Mr punch keeps slapstick alive - YOU might be forgiven for thinking the only place you can watch Punch and Judy is at Prime Minister’s Question Time.. > more |