Academy dispute could go to the high court
DEFIANT campaigners fighting to keep Pimlico School comprehensive are preparing for a High Court battle after filing for a judicial review.
The move follows the signing of a funding agreement between the Department for Children, Schools and Families and the academy sponsor.
The Keep Pimlico Comprehensive group say that written into the agreement are new clauses concerning admissions and special education needs, which differ from plans they were consulted on.
A spokesman for the campaign said: “Our fundamental concern is that the funding agreement is different from the original expression of interest. “The new deal allows the academy to pick brighter children over ones going to nearby schools. We were not allowed to see the funding agreement during consultation and we think that is grounds for judicial review.”
The funding agreement also reveals that the academy sponsor, thought to be a charity called Future, is in fact Future Academies, formed last month and with no charitable status.
The possible court case could mark the end of a 18-month dispute that has undermined the faith of parents, pupils and teachers in local democracy. Academy status was rubber-stamped last June despite 96 per cent of the teachers and parents who responded to the consultation having objected.
The Keep Pimlico Comprehensive spokesman added: “Pupils, parents and staff at Pimlico School deserve better.”
• Pimlico School will be closed on April 24 when the National Union of Teachers walk out on strike following a national ballot over pay. |