
The offending Ford |
Transit’s parking tickets total £42,660
THE council is hunting down the borough’s most wanted parking cheats, who owe unpaid fines of £400,000.
The top 10 motorists have racked up more than 2,400 tickets over the past year.
At the top of the list is an E-registration Ford Transit, with 264 tickets – a total of £42,660 in outstanding fines.
Motorists who have three or more unpaid tickets and are spotted on Westminster’s streets can expect their cars to be removed and impounded.
The council has 300 cars currently in the pound.
Councillor Danny Chalkley, lead member for transport, said: “We are targeting a hard core group of evaders who flout the law and simply refuse to pay for their parking fines despite being sent reminders that need to do so.
“No one likes getting a parking ticket but most motorists play fair and either pay the fine or follow the appeals process. Yet this tiny minority feel the rules do not apply to them.
“We will pursue these persistent evaders to recover the money owed to us because often these vehicles are not properly licensed or display fake or stolen disabled blue badges.” |