Doctors on trial in October
THREE doctors arrested after a failed bid to detonate a car bomb outside a West End nightclub and an attack on Glasgow Airport the following day, will not face a jury trial until October.
At the Old Bailey the trio appeared over video links from prison but were not asked by Mr Justice Calvert-Smith to enter pleas.
Bilal Abdulla, 28 and Mohammed Asha, 27 are accused of conspiring to casue explosions. Sabeel Ahmed, 26, is charged with possessing information which could have prevented terrorism.
Abdullah was arrested in Glasgow where a blazing Jeep was rammed against airport gates on June 30. Two men in the vehicle were detained, one with serious burns.
In the early hours of June 29 paramedics in an ambulance saw smoke coming from a Mercedes parked in front of the Tiger Tiger club, packed with revellers, in Haymarket.
The car was packed with petrol, gas cylinders, nails and a detonator. Bomb experts said an explosion could have been triggered by a mobile phone.
A second Mercedes, which had been parked illegally in Cockspur Street, was found in a compound at Park Lane. It had been removed by a towing truck. Explosive substances were found in side. The trial is expected to last three months. |